January 25, 2001 |
Toyo's Web Site Visitors Exceed 10,000 in 10 Months
Toyo Advanced Technologies announced today that the number of their web site visitors exceeded 10,000 on January 17, 2001. Toyo's web site was officially opened in March 2000.
The number of inquiries through their web site has been increasing as time goes on. The average monthly inquiries in the first five months was only four, but it doubled in the last five months. Out of those inquires, a new machine tool was purchased last November and another deal is expected to be concluded soon.
President Katsuaki Yamamoto says; "I did not expect a large number of site visitors because our products are not targeted general consumers. But, looking at the sharp increase of visitors, I'm surprised with the power of Internet. I'm fully convinced that it is an effective tool to expand our business in our domain as well, we will enrich the content of our web site and make it more useful not only for sales but for purchasing and other areas."